Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Compassionate Friends

While i wont be able to attend the Walk to Remember in July, i still signed up to help raise money.  I have never been to a Compassionate Friends meeting.  But i have found the information for the closest meeting to us and am still deciding if im up for it.  Its a huge step in my grief.  To share publicly, not just with a few trusted friends, scares me pretty good.  I think it will be good for me. I think what scares me more is that i may be the only parent in the group who has lost an infant.

As I said, i did sign up to help fundraise.  I have set up our page to include Parker and Greg's sister Melody.  I know times are tough, but The Compassionate Friends are a wonderful group who have helped parents like us all over the world.  Anything you are able to give is greatly appreciated.  The link to donate is below:

1 comment:

  1. TCF is what pulled Ben and I through. At first we only met a few others that had lost infants, but then there were more and we were able to help them. It became a place where we were called "River's parents" and we knew that everyone had endured the broken hearts we had. We chartered a chapter in January of 2011 because there weren't any within an hour of us. Hope (if you decide to go) that it brings you comfort to know that you can share Parker.
