Our first day apart and not together full time was uh-mazing! We walked into daycare this morning, i let go of his hand and he took off towards the toys and didn't look back! I was so happy he didn't mind. But, I cried for a good 5 minutes on my way to work.
I made him let me snap off a few pictures for our First Days scrapbook page!
I could not wait to get back to pick him up. I missed him, no matter how much we both need this time apart!
I felt like going into this that maybe i wasn't doing the right thing for us. After today, I know i am doing what's best for us! I am already happier with myself just after one day than i have been in a long time.
I feel this part time gig turning into a full time career. My boss is beyond amazing, especially in comparison to my last boss! I owe you BIG time LC (not lauren conrad, suzie)!
Where are you working and what is your new job?